German language course A2

German language course A2

Target group

Classes are for people who have previously studied German in a high school, in a college, at the university but they would like to improve their knowledge, especially in the ​​speech.

Objectives of course

The correct pronunciation, literate speech, reading and spelling.

Learning objectives

Proper line of your thoughts in German language, listening recognition, dialoging

on a variety of topics.

Course results

Upon the completion of the course “German A2” students will easily be able to travel to Germany, Austria, Switzerland and other German-speaking countries.

They will also be able to communicate with native speakers on a variety of topics which is very important when you are in a foreign country.

Understanding the structure of a German language: the sentence structure, phonetics, the main vocabulary in the amount of more than 2,000 words and phrases.

Proper communication in the German language: the understanding of another person’s speech, the ability to maintain a dialogue, communication abroad.

Course Description

The correct pronunciation.

The structure of a German sentence and its features.

The course of German language A2 includes the study of more than 2,000 words and phrases.

Each lecture consists of three thematic situations which include dialogues on everyday topics.

Study of the songs and poems in German language which helps to learn a new material, especially the pronunciation and vocabulary.

Training of the studied material because after each lesson homework is given which includes a study of new words and expressions and grammar exercises.

To understand a German language students are encouraged to listen to the dialogues on the CD and they also watch different situations in the DVD format. This training system is very effective, as students can watch the facial expressions and gestures of the speakers, thus it helps them to understand the German culture of communication.

Topics of lessons

Job. Letter. Apartment. Everyday objects. Signs. At the doctor’s. A business meeting. The restaurant. In the shop. Ads. The w eather. Vacation. In the office.

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