French language course level A2

French language in Transnistria (TMR)

Level A2


This level is designed for students who previously studied French ( school, university, and so on) and if they want to improve their knowledge, especially the speaking.

Orientation of the course

The main aim of this course is  developing  a better pronunciation, extend the vocabulary and grammatical skills, improve basic communication skills.

Learning tasks

More sustainable pronunciation, studying new grammar constructions, practice intensively the dialogic speaking, extend the vocabulary.

Course results

At the end of this course the student will:

– Possibility to travel without guide and orientation in usual situations.

– Be more resistant to pronounce with intonation;

-Understand the structure of the French language: the structure of the French sentence, phonetic, the basic vocabulary in an amount more than 2000 words and expressions;

-Speak correctly on French language: understand the foreign speech, the possibility to maintain the dialogue.

– Possibility to explain with simple terms the basic aspects of your experience, of the environment, question of first necessity.

Course description

The course consists of:

– 10% – of pronunciation; 20% – grammar and new vocabulary; 15% of reading and writing; listening – 15%; speaking- 40%;

– To study new vocabulary and to use more than  2000 words.

– Communication is only in French during the learning, but all grammar explanations are in Russian.

– The use of games, video to form the basis of speaking language.

– In the process of learning we use: 2 books ( Student’s and Activity book) that’s include 3  Audio CDs.

Topics of the lessons

Friends for life? Neighbors. Feast of Love. The key to success. A rich experience. They’re crazy, it’s French! At home or at the shop? Cherished dream. Plan your life. Fulfillment of dreams. Invite a Woman! Informed about the holiday. It is not easy to live with! Character traits. The art of communication. Spell Arts.

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