19 May there was an opening of IV Economic Investment forum at the Republic Palace in the city Tiraspol. To the forum came a lot of experts from more
then 15 foreign countries. Among them there was the scientific and business communities representatives, Ministry of Industry and Trade of Russian Federation.
There was representatives of all the cities and districts of Transnistria in the hole of Republic Palace, where the Center of Languages and Translations “SMART” affiliated to the non- profit organization “ Agency for Regional Development” represented its services of learning the foreign languages and translation service, which are needs for business community and for public institution.
The chair woman Tatiana Yaskova participated in the work of plenary meeting “ Transnistria and its perspectives of developing foreign markets besides to politics of developing” and discussion platform with the theme:” Problems and perspectives of developing foreign markets for export of products of the Transnistrian enterprises ” and as well “ Modern technologies of outsourcing of foreign and internal investigations in the Economy of Republic. Private and public partnership with its new possibilities of developing of the business.”
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