☝️🧐🌐Готов к языковым приключениям этой осенью? Присоединяйся к нашим курсам изучения иностранных языков в Центре SMART!
Выпуск детской группы (9-10 лет), г. Бендеры.

Выпуск летнего интенсива, уровень B 1.3.

Dear graduates of the summer intensive English program at the B1.3 level! 🎓

Congratulations on completing this incredible journey into the world of English language in just one summer! We want to express our sincere congratulations to each and every one of you.

Some may not believe that it’s possible to complete an entire level in just one summer, but you have shown that there’s nothing impossible!

It has been an amazing adventure where you’ve learned, grown, and developed alongside the language. You’ve learned to communicate, understand, and even dream in English, and now you’re ready for the new challenges that lie ahead!

Remember that English is just the beginning. No matter which path you choose next, your confidence and knowledge will always be with you.

We are proud of each and every one of you and believe that you will achieve great things in your academic and professional pursuits. Congratulations once again, graduates!

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